GH3 Bingo
New cardAbout
This is a "Bingo" board for GH3.
To win, you must complete 5 of the tasks in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
To complete a task, you must FC the section is tells you to.
The seed number is used to generate the board. Changing the seed will make a new board.
If there is just a song name, you must FC the whole song.
You can click on the squares to turn them green and red. This may help you keep track of which tasks you have completed.
For GH3 bingo, there are no rules, just don't cheat
GH3 bingo by Sandsky0. SRL Bingo v5 by Cosmo.
TL-BR | COL1 | COL2 | COL3 | COL4 | COL5 |
ROW1 | |||||
ROW2 | |||||
ROW3 | |||||
ROW4 | |||||
ROW5 | |||||